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  Irving Klaw Trio

Irving Klaw Trio
CD $11.00
iTunes $9.99
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Irving Klaw Trio • CD
  Download "Relleno 2" (3.9MB MP3)

This Olympia, WA quartet plays some of the most skewed blue toreador tunes, frenzied noise workouts, and mutant rockunroll you'll find anywhere. 13 dusty heartbreaks lurch, twist, and stagger to make you alternately cry into your beer and hurl your sombrero skyward. Featuring Jeff Fuccillo of Wham-O and Union Pole fame and Noggin's Michael Griffen on violin. Terror on two-track.

"Excellent excretions from this Olympia, WA quintet. Not bound or constrained, they are banditos gleefully raiding a variety of forms and cultures." —Browbeat

IK3's second release, "Utek Pahtoo Mogoi" is available at Road Cone.

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